by Carlos Zapata
Sex Change (A)
by 14 Bays Toy Co. -
Paul Spooner, Matt Smith
Sex Change (B)
by 14 Balls Toy Co. -
Paul Spooner, Matt Smith
Evolutionary Blunders
by Neil Hardy
The Camel Dreams of Home
by 14 Balls Toy Co. -
Paul Spooner, Matt Smith
The Tortoise and the Hare (A)
by Neil Hardy
The Tortoise and the Hare (A)
by Neil Hardy
Presto Change-O (A)
by Michael Croft
Presto Change-O (B)
by Michael Croft
The Great Tongue from Above
by Neil Hardy
You Might Feel a Little Pinch (A)
by Michael Croft
You Might Feel a Little Pinch (B)
by Michael Croft
Teaser Tree
by Neil Hardy
Steampunk Flying Dutchman
by Keith Newstead
by Carlos Zapata
Tick Bird Visits
the Museum
by Philip Lowndes
by Wand Sowry
by Michael Croft
by Keith Newstead
by Michael Croft
The Nose Knows
by Cecilia Schiller
Fugu (A)
by 14 Balls Toy Co. -
Paul Spooner, Matt Smith
Fugu (B)
by 14 Balls Toy Co.-
Paul Spooner, Matt Smith
Sleeping Musculature
by 14 Balls Toy Co. -
Paul Spooner, Matt Smith
Surprise Bird
by Robert Race
by Jan Zalud
Writer's Cramp
by Matt Smith
A Friendly Gesture
by Philip Lowndes
Test Flight
by Ian McKay
Ship of State
by Michael Croft
Put a Spring in Your Step
by Cecilia Schiller
by Laurence & Angela
St. Leger
Evolution a la Carte
by Paul Spooner
Birdwatching Cat
by Dan Torpey
Wings 2
by Dukno Yoon